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How do I make a complaint?

The best way to address a problem is to communicate with the staff member involved. If you require additional support, you can ask a friend, carer or advocate to come along with you to talk with the staff member.

If resolution of the issue is outside the staff member’s authority, you will be provided with the details of the relevant person who can assist you. Alternatively, you may be provided with information to assist you in forming a written complaint.

What happens after I make a complaint?

You will be notified in writing within 48 hours of receipt that CatholicCare has your complaint, along with the details of the staff member assigned to investigate.

CatholicCare will investigate and provide confirmation to you when the complaint has been addressed, or if another course of action is to be taken.

You will receive updates from your assigned contact on the process of the investigation.

What if my complaint is not satisfactorily addressed?

If you feel that opportunities for resolution directly with CatholicCare have been exhausted or you do not feel comfortable contacting CatholicCare directly, you may submit a feedback or complaint to the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle via the following pathways:
• Via Complaints Resolution phone line: 1300 461 831

If you still feel your complaint has not been satisfactorily addressed, you may make an official complaint to the NSW Ombudsman.

The Ombudsman will address the formal complaint through a review of CatholicCare’s processes. Outcomes may include:

  • supporting the outcome provided by CatholicCare
  • requesting CatholicCare initiate an alternative solution to address the complaint
  • requesting CatholicCare investigate the complaint further and provide proposed solutions to the complainant and the Ombudsman for the purpose of a resolution
  • detailing actions to CatholicCare to minimise the potential for a recurrence of the issue.

For further information about the formal complaints process, visit the NSW Ombudsman “Complaints about community and disability services” website.

Privacy and confidentiality in the complaints process

As a service provider, CatholicCare is bound by CG-CC-PO-02 Privacy Policy to ensure all information is kept secure and not disclosed to any other parties, except when required by law. Similarly, CatholicCare will always maintain confidentiality in the management of the complaints process.

Both CatholicCare and complainants are expected to maintain appropriate conduct during the investigation of complaints to allow an effective process in addressing the listed issues. 

Click here to submit feedback or a complaint. 
